Working the Web to Win is dedicated to helping businesses navigate the ever-changing & unforgiving waters of the World Wide Web. You'll find answers to questions on SEO, Social Media, Video Marketing, Blogging, Content Marketing, Internet Security & much more.
Social media has been a Godsend to most people. It has allowed millions
of people from around the world to connect and share ideas. It has made it
possible for people to reconnect with family and lost friends from the past. It
has made it possible to find missing loved ones and allowed humankind to share the
blessings and calamities of our world. But like all powerful tools, Social Media
is a double-edged sword. It has a dark side
that is often ignored by the general public. This Dark side of Social Media is riddled with all manners of scams, bigotry, hatred,
piracy, pornography, bullying, cyber traps, ID thieves and much worse. In this episode
of Working the Web to Win, we will explore the dark underbelly of social media to
expose its dangers and to give our readers a leg up on how to avoid the Dark side
of Social Media.
Ever wish you knew
the magic formula for selling products and services online? My business partner
Carl Weiss and I have been managing online advertising since the late 1990’s. This includes organic search position (aka SEO),
banner ads, pay per click, directory ads and the latest foray which started around
2007, that of social media marketing and social pay per click. These advertising
mediums evolve rapidly. We have devised more ways to engage in these types of advertising
than I care to remember. In this episode of Working the Web to Win, we will explore
four principles that are the keys to maximizing online sales. We call these principles
“The Four Golden Keys.” These keys will open
new marketing doors for you and your company, so read this information carefully
and don’t leave anything out of the process.
In today’s competitive
business world, you need an edge to stay ahead of the competition. More importantly,
you need to be able to give prospects a reason to choose you versus others in your industry. The reason people choose a company or professional
is due to their reputation. Trust becomes the determining factor. Think about it.
Most people do their shopping with companies they trust. They buy products because
those products have proven themselves to meet the consumers' standards of quality
and performance. Sure, people will buy something just on price, but if that product
doesn’t meet or exceed their expectations, they will never buy that product again.
The same is true of professionals and the service provider industry as well. Trust
trumps all other factors short of budgetary means. In this week’s episode of Working
the Web to Win, we will explore how addressing
a business’ credibility or professional reputation can make a significant difference
when it comes doing business. We will look at ten often overlooked elements of reputation
that can sway a prospect towards or away from your products or services, without
you even realizing it.
Have you ever noticed how big corporations
always seem to have the best marketing? They always seem to have the best search
engine position, great commercials, websites and always seem to be omnipresent. Above and beyond having more money
than small businesses, they have a secret weapon. They don't do their marketing
by themselves, they have a team or in some cases multiple teams of marketers working
on their behalf. This team approach allows them to do more. Have multiple minds
working on their behalf allows them to come up with better marketing ideas, it allows
them to more research, testing and to monitor their efforts. It also lets them make
adjustments when necessary to maximize their return on investment. In this episode
of Working the Web to Win, we will explore
how Team Tech Marketing wins the online marketing battle when it comes to SEO and
content marketing.