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Making Pay-Per-Click Payoff – Part I

By Hector Cisneros

Image courtesy Pixabay

When it comes to generating leads for a business, pay-per-click internet advertising is an effective means of finding prospects for many companies. However, many marketing managers have found is that they lack the skills needed to make pay-per-click profitable. Pay-per-click platforms abound, yet every search engine and social nets that offer this advertising vehicle require marketers to learn their proprietary system.  In this article we’ll teach you how to hedge your bets so pay-per-click pays off big for your business.

Mining Mobile Marketing

By Hector Cisneros

Image courtesy Pixabay

Did you know there are 6.8 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide?  This is surprising, considering that the current world population is just a little under 8 billion men, women and children.  More surprising is the fact that is the number of mobile users has jumped more than 1 billion during the past three years alone. This means that there are far more people surfing the web via smartphone then there are using computers. 

How to Use the Internet to Boost Your Business

By Hector Cisneros

Image courtesy Pixabay

Business has always been a tough proposition.  Statistically 2/3 of businesses fail before their third anniversary.  That’s because there are numerous factors that can torpedo a venture before it gets started.  Everything from a lack of funding and marketing knowhow to finding capable staff and dealing with wily competitors are some of the reason that fledgling businesses have been known to crash and burn.  Add to it the fallout from the Coronavirus and it’s a wonder that anyone chooses to start their own business nowadays, right?  Before you throw in the towel on a potential business venture or one that’s gotten off to a rough start, allow me to show you five ways the internet can help you right your sinking ship of commerce or kick one off that will stand the test of time.