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The Connectors Latest Prognostications for the Coming New Year and Beyond

By Hector Cisneros

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Every year I stick my neck out and make predictions about what's world-changing events that are going to happen on the World Wide Web. I base these predictions on the clues I see happening on the Web every day. I also spend time researching trends and even know that some events repeat themselves because some internet players never learn. In this episode of Working the Web to Win, I will provide what I see as the coming attractions from the future headlines of World Wide Web. So I'm breaking out my crystal ball to share with you, what I see as the good, the bad and the ugly for 2020 and beyond.

Thwarting Cyber Thieves (Reprinted from

Image Courtesy flickr
As a marketing company, we have been warning about the dangers of cybercriminals since 2012. We believe that cybercrime is not only a threat to the trustworthiness of Internet ecommerce structure, but it is also a direct threat to the very freedoms we hold so dear as Americans. We have written extensively about this subject. In fact, any search on cybercrime or Cybersecurity will bring forth a list of dozens of articles. Today's episode of Working the Web to Win comes to us from one of our favorite clients, Catherine Powell, the owner of A Plus All Florida Insurance of Orange Park. Her article delves right into the heart of cybercrime and how it can drastically, negatively affect your life.  So without further a due, read and share - Thwarting Cyber Thieves.

The Renewal of the Browser Wars

By Hector Cisneros
Courtesy of

You may be asking yourself, what's so important about which browser I use? It's immensely important! The problem is that most internet users don't pay much attention to which browser they are using, they just use whatever browser comes with the device they own. In 2012, I wrote an article called; "Battle of the Browsers - Internet Dominance and Why Your Choice Matters!" Well today, it matters even more than ever before. Giant Internet companies affect more influence today than the analog TV industry did 20 years ago. More people rely on blogs today for their news, and Internet TV is taking over where analog TV left off. The main difference is that digital Internet giants can track everything a viewer sees and they can decide what content is then offered up as interesting to the user.  

This also means that they can directly influence all purchases, our beliefs, and our political opinions as well. In this episode of Working the Web to Win, we will discuss the importance of choosing a browser that has your best interest at heart.  We will look at browser performance, privacy, security and most important of all, the integrity of the results provided for any given search. So get ready for battle as we explore the Renewal of the Browser Wars now taking place on a digital device near you.

Adding E-Commerce to Your Company’s Lineup (Reprinted from Small Business Groups Blog)

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Many business owners often ask us if it makes sense to add an E-commerce store to their business instead of just a website. Our answer is "It depends on many things". You may ask what are those things. One of our clients, "Small Business Group" a business consulting and CPA firm, just published a great article that addresses this question. So, in this week's episode of Working the Web to Win, we will follow Ben Kinsey lead by discussing the elements necessary for a successful E-Commerce store as we explore Small Businesses Groups article about adding an online store to your company's lineup.