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Our top 12 reasons why mobile computing rules the world

By Hector Cisneros
Courtesy of PxHere

Would it be great if you could find a marketplace that is huge, easily accessed, is global and has a infinite variety of customers to choose from? There is such a fantastic place, it's called the internet and the bulk of the customers are mobile! That is one of the main reasons mobile computing king? But to fully understand the answer to this question, we need to take a look back in time to where it all began, followed by a peak of where mobile is going. In this episode of Working the Web to Win, we will explore how the mobile revolution has affected our personal and business lives.  We will provide our top 12 reasons why mobile computing rules our digital world and predict where we are going next on this great adventure. Read on and share this article with your friends as we show the top 12 reasons why mobile computing rules the world.

Mobile computing was born early in the 1990's as companies started to release cell phones with upgraded capabilities. In my opinion, it wasn't until the introduction of PDA in the early 2000's that we really started to see devices that have any semblance to what we now call a smartphone. I personally owned a Palm Treo in 2002 that had a color touch screen display, allowing for phone calls, texting, limited browsing (way too slow) and it had a complete office suite (address book, to do list, notepad, email, expense trackers, clock etc...). This device and a few others were way ahead of  their time. This all changed in 2007 when Apple computer released the iPhone. This was the first smartphone that was really easy to use, yet was highly functional. It was followed by a multitude of lookalikes and Android smartphones and today more people own smartphones than toothbrushes! 

Courtesy of Wikipedia
As mentioned earlier, I owned and loved my Palm Treo PDA, but it was no match for the next generation of smartphones. Although it had more functionality than most PDA's at the time, its functionality pales when compared to the latest smartphones of today. If you do a  Search on our blog on the term Smartphone  you will find dozens of articles related to this subject. For example, If you are a Trekkie like me, you remember the communicator from Star Trek that launched the cell phone industry in the first place. In fact, many of the inventions portrayed in Star Trek are now incorporated in our mobile devices today. We have written about this capability in several interesting articles about mobile device capabilities, especially those related to artificial intelligence. One such interesting article in particular was "Do Smartphones Dream About Facebook?" and our latest on A.I. Called; "The Current Evolution of A.I. - Artificial Intelligence in the World. We have also written about Star Trek as the impetus for technological evolution when we wrote "Star Trek Tech and Beyond in the 21st Century" Our articles about mobile computing wasn't restricted to where this technology began, it also delved deeply into many aspects of mobile marketing. Check out our articles called; "Going Mobile", "Grow your Business by Going Mobile" and "Are You Prepared for Mobilgeddon?". The last article covered the importance of being mobile friendly and how to avoid being penalized for not have a mobile ready website.

Our interest in the mobile digital revolution didn't end there either. We explored apps for all types of digital devices when we wrote "How to Safely Whet Your Appetite for Smartphone Apps" and then I wrote an article on how to clean up your devices with our article called, "Spring Cleaning Means Taking Out the Cyber Trash". We also published a very popular article called, "36 Top Cyber Security Tips to Protect your Digital World" and a scathing article about how updates are out of control called, "Are You Currently Living in Digital Update Hell?".

Courtesy of Vimeo
For our techie friends, we write an annual article covering the latest offerings at the Consumer Electronics Show, 2019 was no exception. Our article called, "The Latest Cool Tech Products from CES 2019 and Beyond was well received - especially the coverage about the coming of 5G communications and the new foldable smartphones. Lastly, we wrote an article that discussed how disaster victims were using mobile digital devices to cope with hurricanes like Irma that hit Florida. Check out our article called, "How the Internet is Helping People Cope with Natural Disasters Like Hurricanes and Floods" for more details.

When discussing mobile computing, you're mainly talking about laptops, tablets, phablets and smartphones. In the mobile world, size and weight matter. To the extent that you have to carry your digital device with you, smaller is usually better. The larger the device, the less mobile it is. On the other hand, there is the issue of screen size and readability. This is where phablets (larger smartphones) and the new foldable smartphones win the day. The new smartphones can have a footprint size of 6-inches folded and 9-inches unfolded, This is great if you have poor eyesight or want to use this device as your primary digital device. Obviously, the internet plays a big role in the usefulness of these devices. With them, you can communicate across the globe with email, multimedia attachments, unlimited data search capabilities, video chat with people, watch online video, and use VOIP to make long distance calls. 

Watch this short video on the Samsung Foldable SmartPhone

The kings of mobile computing are smartphones. Smartphones are special because they're easy to carry and use. Many smartphones today have 10 times as much computing power as the first space shuttle did when it was launched. We are starting to see business professionals use smartphones as their primary devices today. With the morphing of smartphones into phablets with foldable devices with bigger screens, we will see this trend expand over the next 10 years. What makes mobile computing king is small size and weight coupled with convenience and functionality without compromising performance. Here are our top 12 reasons mobile computing is king today.

12 reasons why Mobile Computing rules the world.
  1. Mobile Internet Access allows for worldwide communications at Gig Speeds! In many homes, your smartphone 4G LTE connection is faster than many hardwired connections. Communications between any entity is critical for the success of that enterprise. This is true whether you're talking about government secret agents, congressional members, municipal agencies, mega corporations, or synchronizing a family outing or friends getting together on a Friday night. Smartphones make this easy for all. 
  2. More People use their smartphones to access the Internet than any other method. Today, smartphones makeup more than 60% of all internet traffic! If you add tablets and laptops, its more like 80%. If you sell online, mobile is where the money is, so you'd best make sure your web properties are mobile friendly.
  3. You have many choices in the Mobile computing arena. The top choices are Smartphones and Phablets, followed by Tablets and Laptops. Desktop usage is shrinking every year. Soon we will add foldable smartphones and internet enabled smart cars to this list.  
    Courtesy of PxHere
  4. 4G is fast, 5G will be considerably faster and faster is better. Today, most users are communicating with 4G but 5G access has begun its entrance into the marketplace. 5G access can be as much as 10 to 50 times faster than 4G (depending on who you talk to). 5G will allow autonomous vehicles to rule the highways and allow for the end of the stranglehold that cable has had on the TV industry.
  5. One of the coolest features of all mobile devices is that they can be voice-activated and controlled. Just say "OK Google", "Hey SIRI" or "Alexa" (Alexa now can also run on smartphones) and then tell your mobile device to call, text, lookup or take a picture! Move over Star Trek, mobile A.I. is here. 
  6. Mobile computing devices allow you to comparison shop right in the store. Want to get the best price on a product you're interested in? Scan the QR or barcode of that item and with the right app you can instantly compare prices across retail stores. There are apps like WishShop and ShopSavvy that bring up your price comparisons right there in the store!
  7. Mobile Computing devices replace a multitude of other useful devices. Today's smartphone are the Swiss Army Knives of the digital world. They usually come with and replace; a phone, pager, camera, cd players, mp3 plays, DVD players, copier, GPS mapping system, language translator, book reader, encyclopedia, newspaper, magazine, radio and a multitude of other products.
  8. Many of the new Internet TV stations provide Free access to subscribers with their downloadable apps. If you watch any of the major TV networks, you can download their apps to watch their show. Want to see it on the big screen? You can cast the shows to most smart TV's or a TV with a casting device attached to it. This includes some TV stations that require subscriptions when accessed with cable!
    courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
  9. Mobile computing devices are great for listening to or reading your favorite book without carrying them around.  I love listening to books when I do my daily walks or commute to and from work. You can have a huge library in your hand without going to the library. It doesn't stop there either. Your mobile device can also act as an ebook reader. Ebooks and audible books are often less expensive than regular paperback books, but the content is the same or better. Many of the ebooks have reference marks that allow you to search the book for items of interest without turning a page.
  10. Your mobile computing device is a better navigation device than most GPS devices. What I really like about the GPS system in my smartphone is that I never have to update the maps. They are automatically updated, and in general are more accurate than dedicated GPS system purchased to use in your car. Your Smartphone can also be used as a GPS for hiking and boating in some cases. What's not to like.
  11. Your mobile computing device  provides a better way to conduct your banking. I used to hate jumping in my car only to drive to the bank and then wait in line to make deposits or cash checks. No more! Mobile banking, is fast, secure (I used two step authentication) and allows me to save a lot of time and have better and more up to date financial information. I can also transfer money between accounts, borrow money from my line of credit and much more. Online banking with a mobile device is way cooler and smarter that doing it in person.
    Courtesy of Pixabay
  12. Your mobile computing device provides great office productivity. I have used my smartphone and tablets as word processors, spreadsheet creators, database managers, PowerPoint  controllers, video production facility,  social media manager, and have managed pay per click campaigns, managed our blog, processed my accounting and done a lot more. It has a great calendar for making and confirming appointments, I can add to do lists, use email, save details of  transactions with clients in my contact database, and then view all of these transaction on my other laptop, desktop and tablet devices because they are all synchronized through my included cloud service. The power of today's mobile devices provides capabilities that in some instances exceed what we saw on Star Trek in 1967. No wonder people walk around with their mobile devices tightly clutched in their hands.
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
So, What's Next? So far we have been discussing the current capabilities of mobile computing. Soon we will be using these devices in our autonomous vehicles, underwater, in outer space and on the colonies we build on the Moon and Mars. 5G networks will go a long way toward usher in the next generation of mobile computing. In the digital world, speed is as much king as is being able to carry your content with you. Now all we have to to is learn how to properly use these devices and make them secure so that hackers and cybercriminals don't spoil the love fest that we have with our digital mobile devices. Make sure you take the time to learn how to utilize these powerful devices and spend the money to make them secure. You will become a more productive digital citizen of the world and you will also be happier for your efforts.

That's my opinion; I look forward to reading yours.

This article provides the top dozen reasons why mobile computing is king of the digital world. We show how today's digital devices far exceed what we saw in the early Star Trek series that portrayed mobile as the future of computing. Today's mobile devices far exceed what the future is supposed to bring. Lastly, this article also provides links to many other articles including a link to the BlogTalkRadio show that goes with this article.

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Hector Cisneros is COO and Director of Social Media Marketing at Working the Web to Win, an award-winning Internet marketing company based in Jacksonville, Florida.  He is also co-host of the weekly Internet radio show, "Working the Web to Win" on, which airs every Tuesday at 4 p.m. Eastern. Hector is a syndicated writer and published author of “60 Seconds to Success” and the co-author along with his business partner Carl Weiss of their hit book also called “Working the Web to Win.”

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