Lost In Space Second Series. (Photo credit: Jimmy Big Potatoes) |
In the recently released motion picture "Gravity," NASA astronaut Sandra Bullock becomes detached from the Space Shuttle after a debris storm causes her and fellow astronaut played by George Clooney to wind up adrift in the vastness of outer space. Tumbling all alone in the dark void with a limited supply of oxygen and little hope of being rescued, Sandra copes as best she can with the terror of being lost in space. While few of us will ever come to know this kind of visceral fear, many website owners have experienced a similar sense of despair and helplessness when their site went from page one to the vastness of cyberspace after an algorithm reset by a major search engine.
The fact of the matter is that search engine operators do not want anyone save for a select few to understand how their algorithms work. They are also known to throw a monkey wrench into the machinery from time to time. Sometimes they do this to shake out the legions of businesses that make money by gaming the system. Sometimes they do it just because they can. Either way, while an update by Google may come with a cute and fuzzy moniker such as Panda or Penguin, once published it can leave website owners feeling more like they have been attacked by a Bengal Tiger or Great White Shark.
Don’t be Found Guilty by Association
More importantly, when it comes to search engine success, you don’t need to cheat them to beat them. While gaming the system may generate position in the short run, it almost always fails over the long haul. Plus there is a high probability that when the next algorithm change is published, you may fall into a black hole from which you may never be able to climb out of. Some website owners are literally forced to commission an entirely new website in order to get back into the game, losing time and money in the process.
Google is a Picky Eater
While it is impossible to completely understand every warp and weave of Google’s algorithm, just as you don’t have to understand how to build a chicken to make an omelet, you can get the gorilla to like you by feeding him what he likes to eat. The Google gorilla is a picky eater who first and foremost likes his own brand. This translates into creating lots of content on all the properties that Google owns. So if you blog, you need to become familiar with Blogger, which is owned by Google. If you produce videos, then you need to create a channel on YouTube. And even though you may be addicted to Facebook, if you want to make the gorilla smile on your online marketing efforts, you had better start feeding Google+ as well.
On-Page Optimization, What’s it Worth?
Notice that so far I have failed to even mention on-page optimization (a.k.a., SEO). That’s because while important, it now only contributes 25% of your overall
English: Google Logo officially released on May 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Time for a New Name
In fact, as I pointed out in a previous blog entitled, “Is SEO Still SOP?” the term Search Engine Optimization really needs to be altered to Search Engine Marketing (SEM), since optimizing the website is only a small part of the process to achieving page one results today. As a result, the task has become infinitely more complicated. No longer can you create a perfectly optimized webs
English: Screaming Frog SEO Spider Screenshot (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Face it, Google and all the other search engines don’t make one slim dime from organic search. They make their money from pay-per-click campaigns and banner ads, most of which comes from major corporations. Besides, when you own 82% of search as Google currently does, fairness doesn't even come into consideration. As the saying goes, “What do you feed an 800 lb gorilla? Anything it wants.”
Can Small Businesses Compete?
For small businesses, this isn't only the best policy, it’s the only policy. Giving the gorilla what he wants gives you a chance to take advantage of the system just as your bigger brethren do. In fact, we have worked with small businesses who not only competed successfully with Fortune 500 contenders, but who eventually bested them. Another advantage of being smaller is that you can react faster. You can analyze the competition and target their weaknesses. If a larger competitor has the advantage in social media but is weak in blogging, bulk up your blog. If they don’t understand the advantages of video, go after them on YouTube. The beauty of the web is that the emperor wears no clothes. You can see what they are doing well and not so well, in real-time, and react accordingly.
Make Time to Make a Dime
This brings up the second speed bump that stops many small businesses in their tracks: Making the time to feed the beast. Most business owners have enough on their plate day in and day out in simply running their business. This leaves them little time to write and post to blog
One Dime 1976 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The only other solution is to ignore the Internet, as all too many small business owners are wont to do. To this, I pose the following question, “If you aren't found on page one of Google, but your competitors are, is this good or bad for your business?” (Danger, Will Robinson!) While it may take a little time and money to get off the bench and into the game, even if it took several months to wind up on page one, this is still better than being lost in cyberspace.

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Since 1995, Carl Weisshas been helping clients succeed online. He owns and operates several online marketing businesses, including Working the Web to Win and Jacksonville Video Production. He also co-hosts the weekly radio show, "Working the Web to Win," every Tuesday at 4 p.m. Eastern on BlogTalkRadio.com.

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Since 1995, Carl Weiss
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We learned the hard way about playing games with Google thanks to our former SEO company !
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