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This is Not your Granddaddy's Podcast – Content Casting is a Low-Cost Marketing Winner

By Hector Cisneros
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In 2011, my business partner Carl Weis and I decided to test our belief that "Authoritative, High Quality, Relevant, Timely, Useful and Infotainment content is what Google uses to determine a web pages organic ranking. We felt that if a page was being visited, read, viewed, commented on and shared, it would signal to Google that this page deserved to be ranked higher than pages that did not receive this type of attention. To achieve this goal, we decided to write and produce a weekly live internet radio show that we would also record as video and then publish all three content pieces each week to our social following. We chose the key phrase “Working the Web” as our organic page one goal. After nine months of diligent work, we received multiple organic page one search listings for our web pages. Fast forward 8 years later and we are still on page one of organic search for that phrase. In this episode of Working the Web to Win, we will explore our method of Content Casting (aka podcasting in all its forms), and how its primary benefits help businesses succeed in a very competitive internet marketplace.
According to the Wikipedia,Podcasting, previously known as "audioblogging," had its roots dating back to the 1980s. With the advent of broadband internet and portable digital audio playback devices such as the iPod, podcasting began to catch hold in late 2004.[1] Today there are more than 115,000 English-language podcasts available on the internet, and dozens of websites available for distribution at little or no cost to the producer or listener. According to one survey in 2017, 42 million Americans above the age of twelve listen to podcasts at least on a weekly basis.[2 For the sake of this article, I am going to bundle both podcasting and videocasting and use the term content casting, (i.e., both audio blogging and video blogging aka vlogging as it was once called, as casted content). This also includes live streamed versions of audio and video because it is very easy to produce both of these mediums simultaneously.

Search Engine Optimization
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Our story of rising to page one glory is not so different. We knew that Google often stated that authoritative, high-quality content is what people want to consume and that multimedia content best appeals to the broadest audience since it meets the sensory preferences of most consumers (i.e., visual, auditory and those looking for detailed information). We have always felt that a cornerstone of content that provides a high SEO rating needed to be of the best quality. We felt that this was a “Prerequisite” for any content to rank high. Today, it is a principle we live by when producing and publishing content on the internet. We have talked about this quality (i.e., Authoritative, High Quality, Relevant, Timely, Useful and Infotainment) of high-ranking content so much that I decided to create an acronym for these qualities.  In our last article, I dubbed the acronym AHQRTUI,” which stand for these prerequisite qualities.  Without these qualities, any published content is diminished substantially to the degree of how much of the prerequisite qualities are missing. More importantly, content that is of poor quality isn’t wanted, is unappealing and will not rank because it does not generate traffic, comments, and shares.

Other articles where we have written about this subject include;

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 Now let’s look at the many benefits that Content Casting provides for your audio and video content on the World Wide Web. 
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  1. Content casting is a low-cost marketing medium – When comparing “Content casting” with TV, radio, print, signage or other mediums its cost is cheap. Even in the digital world, content casting production cost is very low, only rivaled by social media posting (which is part of content casting). The only thing a person needs to engage in, and produce casted content today is a decent quality smartphone or a midline laptop computer and a subscription to a social net, a video channel or internet radio station (i.e., YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or BlogTalkRadio just to name a few). Most offer a free version and low-cost entry packages. 
  2. Content casting can be media rich content – Content casting is media rich. This means you can produce content that has pictures, video, audio, and text. Media-rich content appeals to the widest audience because it meets the needs of most people and it matches the widest array of sensory preferences.
  3. Content casting can be backlink rich – Backlinks are one of the highest SEO ranking factors, and your published content can have dozens of legitimate backlinks to your web properties. This provides you with additional positive SEO ranking factors and will improve organic search position.
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  4. Content casting can produce comments, shares, and likes in social media – the best way to produce traffic with content casting is to post your content to your social nets. It’s the perfect fodder for social content. This, in turn, encourages others to read, like, comment and share your casted content with others, which in turn produces higher SEO ranking factors for Google, Yahoo and Bing organic search listing.
  5. Content casting is Authoritative – Authoritative content sends people to your designated web pages, not someone else’s pages (which is what curated content does). In other words, it directly produces high quality, motivated and often loyal followers. It directly shows your audience that you are contributing to the knowledge base of the web and the only place they can get this information is from your web pages.
  6. Content casting can be evergreen – Evergreen content beats one and done content, any day of the week. Evergreen refers to content based on principles that don’t change or change slowly. Because casted content can be evergreen, it can be used many times, often for many years. This produces huge cost saving in production and also makes it easier to organize content into libraries of saleable content.
  7. Content casting can be the easiest way to re-purpose your content – Content casting makes it easy to take a blog or ezine article and turn it into a pod or videocast. Plus, you can then combine the two (or three) medium and publishing them together, which in effect produces even more content synergy.
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Bonus itemAll Seven build your credibility!!! – If you read my articles regularly, you know that I like to add bonus items to my list. The above seven items all combine to add credibility to your business and trade name. In many cases, this alone can be the item that wins you the deal. In any competitive sales situation, expertise, trustworthiness, and credibility play an important part. You still need to be competitive in price, but all things being equal, the person or company with the most cred, wins.

Content Casting is easier than it’s ever been. Gone are the days that you need expensive video cameras, high end recording equipment and are forced to pay TV and/or radio stations $1000 a pop for 5-minute show spots. With just a little practice and some talent, a little-acquired production savvy, and persistence, businesses can produce casted content (which can include podcasted internet radio shows and live video streams). We have been helping businesses produce their own shows for more than eight years now. This allows any small business who doesn’t have the time, expertise or inclination to produce high quality casted content in their name, providing them with the highest credibility at less than one half the cost of a ½ hour radio show or 5-minute TV spot.

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On top of that, the client owns the content, which is not the case when you are using TV and radio stations. My recommendation is that all businesses should be engaging in content casting as part of their marketing strategy. Whether you are a startup mom and pop business where you have more time than money, and you have to do all the work yourself, or you’re a profitable, busy business in a competitive arena where you want to beat the competition to the punch, content casting as a marketing venue is a winner in every way. If you need help producing casted content for your business, give us a call. It’s a cost-effective medium for many small businesses. I hope to see your next video or podcast showing up in my social news feed.

That's my opinion; I look forward to reading yours.

This article provides detailed information on how to engage in content casting, whether it's podcasting, video posting or live streaming. This article provides eight tips that are specific to content marketing and also provides additional links to other comprehensive related articles, including a link to the BlogTalkRadio show notes page.

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If you found this article useful, please share it with friends, family, and co-workers. I recommend checking out the links on the blog, along with checking out other related articles on our Show Notes Page.  Also, don’t forget to listen to the BlogTalkRadio show on this subject. If you have a related useful comment or opinion about this article, leave it in the comment section of this blog. Also, don’t forget to plus us, on Google+ and share us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn as well.

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Hector Cisneros is COO and Director of Social Media Marketing at Working the Web to Win, an award-winning Internet marketing company based in Jacksonville, Florida.  He is also co-host of the weekly Internet radio show, "Working the Web to Win" on, which airs every Tuesday at 4 p.m. Eastern. Hector is a syndicated writer and published author of “60 Seconds to Success.”

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