Annually, we do
a year in review of our articles. We do this for several reasons. First, we want
to make sure we are publishing content that people are hungry for. A lot of people say content is king, but the
real fact is that only high-quality relevant content is king. Second, we need to
analyze our own marketing (our blog, internet radio and WebTV shows are all part of that mix).
This is a prerequisite for any successful
business. Third, it's always a good idea to reflect on the year that has just passed.
It’s hard to plan where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been. It’s also
a good way to get ready for the coming year ahead. This year, several of our articles
hit home runs. More so that in some other
years. A few were big surprises, others we knew would be hits for sure. So, get
ready for a fast and fun rewind of 2017 because, in this episode of Working the Web to Win, we will reflect and expound
on the “Best of the Best for Working the Web,”
in the year that just passed.
Before I get into the specifics of our best articles and show for 2017, I want to say a little bit about what we
call, “recycled Marketing.” We have been writing
and publishing our articles, then using them to create our Working the Web to Win
internet radio and web TV shows since 2012. When we started, I was told that content is king. I had been taught that people only want to read, listen
to and watch fresh content. I was also taught
that blogs should be only four to five hundred words in length and that you should
not post the same item on a social network
more than once. Our research and more than five years of testing, analysis, and experience have
proven that those principles are just plain false! We have found that content is
not king, only high-quality relevant and
authoritative content is king. We have found that recycled
high-quality evergreen content can be used many times. We have some articles that are
producing better results today than the year they were first published. Our analysis of 300 plus published articles clearly shows that long copy (i.e., 1000 to 2500 words vs. 400 to 500 words) produces
much better results than short copy. And of course, we have found that you can post
the same item on the same social network many
times, provided you allow some time to pass, and
you use a different curation and thumbnail.
The point I am trying
to make is that content marketing has many advantages and benefits for any company
that makes the commitment to using this marketing
methodology. You have to be committed to high quality, be prepared to research,
have a strong work ethic and above all, be willing to produce your content on a
regular and frequent schedule. Of our top 10 blog pages visited this year; three were from articles written in 2012. One
is from 2015, and only three are from
2017! In fact, one of my articles from 2015 called Wearables 2.0 - The Rise
of Trackers, has seen more than 3400 visitors in the last 30 days! So, when you hear all the clichés
about content being king, don’t believe it. Trust the analyzed data. It doesn’t
lie. Now let’s get to the Newest and Best of Working the Web.
We’re going to do
this in a countdown fashion. We created more than 50 articles this year, and we don’t want to leave out any of the best ones
on our list. So, before I get to our countdown, I wanted to mention a few of our
newer articles that performed very well but are too new to have produced a large
number of page views. These articles represent our tenth-place winners for 2017.
Here are top newer articles worth mentioning.
Our 9th Place finisher is an article called
- Don't Pull the Trigger on Advertising with
Your Eyes Closed. It received 1,471-page views for
the year. It talks
about how so many businesses use the “Shoot
- Ready – Aim” method
of marketing. It further goes on to help the business owner recognize what we call
“Common Bad Behavior from
Unscrupulous Marketing Sales Reps”
and points out where to find “Free
Help that is Worth its Weight in Gold,” and “How
to Budget your marketing Without Breaking Your Pencil.”
This article provides more than a half dozen “Budget Stretching Tips” that every
entrepreneur needs to know.
In 8th Place is our article called - How to Spot Search Ranking Scams and Other Search
Engine Enigmas. It received 1,548-page views in 2017. This article expounds on the best ways to recognize
internet companies that sell fraudulent SEO and other search ranking products.
company firmly believes that high-quality
content marketing produces traffic, and traffic produces ranking. Our motto is “Never
chase the latest and greatest search ranking fad. Yes, some of these new techniques
will work in the short run. However, we believe that chasing these shiny objects
is a waste of time in the long run because the ranking system is not fixed. It’s constantly changing. The principles
that have not changed over the past dozen or so years are these.” It then goes on to provide the many unchanging
principles that work year in and year out. It even provides a recent video from
one of Google’s Webmasters that explains how to hire an SEO vendor. If you're trying
to get a handle on understanding your SEO and striving to make your website rank
higher, this is the article you want to read.
Our 7th Place runner up is an article called - How to Leverage the Latest Changes in LinkedIn.
To date, it has received 1,666-page views. It was
written for our LinkedIn business lovers. Late in 2016 Microsoft purchase
LinkedIn and as was inevitable, began making changes. This article reviewed many
of the changes and provided links to videos explaining the major changes as well.
It also provided “20 Principles-Based Tips to Maximize Your LinkedIn Return on Investment”
that haven’t changed. If you’re a sales rep or a business owner who loves LinkedIn
as I do, this is your must-read article.
Number 6 on this year’s winner's circle is an article
called - Let’s Get Real – Will VR Gear be a Game Changer?
It received 1,700-page views and was a hot topic for many retailers and would-be
virtual reality
aficionados. The article begins by stating the current state of
VR before going onto explore many of the latest VR products showcased at the annual
CES convention. Here's a short piece from that article. “How
Real is VR? After several years of teasing us with Kickstarter campaigns, blogs,
and Newsfeeds, VR really made its presence
known last year. Once a technology makes the show at CES, it is off the bench
and onto the playing field. 2016 saw everything from VR headsets and graphics cards, to certification programs and tons
of VR software appear as if by magic.” If you're interested in VR for business, gaming or just entertainment, this is the article for you.
Our 5th Place runner-up
this year is an article called - A Dozen Easy Ways to Grow and Market to Your
Facebook Fan Base. It received 1,725-page views. This was written
for our Facebook fans. Anyone who is into
Facebook or Facebook marketing will love
this article. It compares organic versus paid methods for growing your fan base.
We concentrate on organic growth. However, we also found that you can grow and find
clients using paid advertising on Facebook as well. If you love Facebook, want to
grow your following and want to use it as a marketing tool, you’ll want to read
this article.
Number 4 on our countdown list is our The Guide to the Working the Web Universe.
It received 1,753-page views as of this writing. This article tells you everything
you ever wanted to know about building a big social audience. It discusses how “Cyberspace
has become the Premier
Advertising Space,”
replacing old analog media. It explains the “Multitude of Choices” you
have and how you can “Reach Billions Instead of Millions”
on the web versus analog media. It further explains what we mean by the statement
- “Content
is Not King - Only high quality, relevant and authoritative content is king.”
It explains how you can “Get More for a Lot Less – getting three for
the price of one” from your content production. It also talks about how
your own internet TV show usually costs very
little” and how “Internet Streaming Allows you to Achieve Simultaneous
Leverage.” This article shows you
how to “Spend a Little and Get A lot.”
Click on the title link; you will be glad
you read it.
Our 3rd Runner-up is an article called - New Moon Shot Imminent - The Lunacy Continues.
It received 1,758-page views for the year. The article starts by talking about the
once every 30 (or so) years, “Total Eclipse of the Sun that is viewable for the
continental US.” It then goes on to the Google
Lunar X prize and were five international
teams are vying to win
the 30-million-dollar prize money for the
first organization that puts a working rover on the moon. Here's a morsel from the
article to chew on. “The
Google Lunar X Prize - If that isn’t cause
enough for full Moon madness, this year will also see five international teams attempt
to land a rover on the Moon in an attempt to claim their piece of the $30
million Google Lunar X Prize. Of course, it could cost nearly that much to
try to build and fly a robotic rover to the Moon. To do so requires the winning
teams to land and rove on the lunar surface by or before December 31, 2017. The
rules are simple: Construct and land a spacecraft on the Moon’s surface. Travel
500 meters from the landing site. Transmit high-definition video and images back
to Earth.” If you’re into
space tech, this is a must-read.
Our 2nd Runner-up is a very interesting article written by
my business partner Carl Weiss called - Echo for The Prosecution. It garnered
1,905-page views for the year. It’s an article about how A.I. assistant devices
are being used by police departments to investigate homicides. Here is a small snippet
of the article to give you a taste. “As incredible as it sounds,
the above-mentioned scenario took place in Arkansas,
when police accused James A. Bates of killing his friend Victor Collins, who
was found dead in Bates' backyard hot tub in 2015. During the course of the investigation, homicide detectives
noted that Bates owned an Amazon Echo. Realizing that the device
is voice activated, the police issued a search warrant to Amazon, demanding that
the Seattle company provide data, including voice recordings that had been saved from Bates’ device.” Wow, some very explosive stuff. With all
the A. I. madness going on, you will want to read every word. This article hits
you right between your loss of privacy eyes. No doubt you will want to share this
article with your Alexa friends.
The Number 1 Article for Working the web to win was - How to Keep your New Year’s Business Resolution
in the 21st Century. It had 2,499-page views during the year. It discussed
how we plan our year and
expressed the importance
of “The
Initial Planning Phase” and the implementation of specific “Useful
Resources.” It also went on to elaborate
on the importance of using “SMART
Goals.” You know - S for Specific
- M is for Measurable - A for Attainable and Action-oriented - R for Realistic and Relevant and – T for Time.
The article then talked about a few other “useful tools” and the importance of
Your Message Right.” If you’re getting ready to plan your year, whether it’s
this year or the next, this is a worthwhile read for you.
Carl and I want
to thank all our readers, subscribers, and
clients for their patronage throughout the year. We work hard, scouring the web
for interesting and useful content that will help our readers, clients, peers, and followers get more from the World Wide Web. We hope that you will check out
the vendors that advertise on our blog and other web properties.
That’s my opinion; I look forward to reading yours.
This article provides
a review of our top ten articles for 2017. It includes links to each article and
snippets from them as well to provide enough detail of what’s in store in each article
and who it was written for. More than enough details are provided so that the reader can choose which
is the best articles for their needs.
Get your FREE copy today. |
We also hope that
you will contact us with questions and or request for articles you’re interested
in. We love reading your comments about the
articles we publish. If you have a comment related to any of our articles, post
them at the end, in the comment section. If you would like to advertise on this
blog (it receives 50,000 page views a month minimum) contact me by writing
If you or your business could use some help with its marketing, give us a call
at 904-410-2091. We are
here to help. You can also fill out the form in the sidebar of this blog. It will allow us to provide you with a free marketing analysis
to help you get better online results. Our claim to fame is that we are one
of the few companies that actually provides
ironclad written guarantees. Don't forget to sign up for your FREE eBook!
Hector Cisneros
is COO and Director of Social Media Marketing at Working the Web to Win, an award-winning Internet marketing company
based in Jacksonville, Florida. He is also co-host of the weekly
Internet radio show, "Working
the Web to Win" on, which airs every Tuesday at 4 p.m. Eastern. Hector is a
syndicated writer and published author of “60 Seconds to Success.”
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