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Are You Prepared for Mobilgeddon?

We live in the end times, right? At least that’s what Google wants you to think. Most are probably somewhat familiar with the term “Armageddon,” which is the biblical prediction for the end of the world.  Well Google's latest update is being dubbed Mobilegeddon because it means the end of high ranking for websites that are not mobile compliant.

The Evolution of Social Media Networking & its Imminent Future

Courtesy of Flickr
By Hector Cisneros

Internet Social Networking (a.k.a., Social Media) as we know it today, has been with us for several years. With only a little more than a decade since the birth of modern social networks, it looks like we’re poised at the beginning of a new era of competition, sophistication and monetization. Some say we’re entering the era of maturity and stability, while others say we’ve just crossed the line of infringing on consumer privacy and implementing a new level of customer-no-service. In this article from Working the Web to Win, we’ll explore the state of affairs for social media, both from a consumer and business perspective, and we’ll predict where social networking is headed. 

Is There a Silver Lining Inside Cloud Computing?

By Carl Weiss
Courtesy of PxHere

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past couple years, you’ve either heard of or are now using cloud computing. The Cloud sounds so peaceful, beautiful, and magnificent. But like all clouds, there are many different kinds and even though they can have silver linings, they can also bring rain and thunder. Today, users are looking to save money by embracing it. IT pros are implementing it to lower their cost for infrastructure and investors are plowing money into it looking to make a profit.

It’s Time for Some Hi-Tech Spring Cleaning

By Carl Weiss
Courtesy of 

It's Spring time ...warmer temperatures, flowers start to bloom, the grass needs cutting and lots of pollen fills the air.  Every year at this time we break out the rakes, the weed whacker and the lawn mower to do a little spring cleaning.