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New Advances in Telemedicine - Taking Your Medicine Online

By Carl Weiss

With the continuing controversy revolving around the balky launch of, suddenly online medical sites have suddenly taken center stage. However, what the public is largely unaware of is the fact that the medical industry is hugely invested in the Internet.  Not only is everything from medical advice to products
Telemedicine in Action - Open Heart Surgery on...
Telemedicine in Action - Open Heart Surgery on Vimeo (Photo credit: Andy G)
and services available online, but even advances like telesurgery and telediagnosis are becoming more prevalent.  This article probes the telemedicine revolution that is occurring as we speak. The medical industry has embraced the Internet for everything from social networking to robotic surgery. So read on and learn when your next remote medical office visit will take place.

New Year - New Tech

By Hector Cisneros

Tech 3
Tech 3 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Last year proved to be a real zinger for technology. Both good and bad guys were out in force. The NSA was recording all and criminals were providing hack-a-thons against big businesses and banks in an unprecedented way.  SAAS and Cloud Computing moves to the forefront as ubiquitous services for daily use. Landline telephones see the asteroid coming their way as their use is giving way to Smartphones and VOIP in large numbers. Twenty fourteen will make last year’s tech jumps seem like '50s reruns.

Is Humor a Weapon of Mass Distraction or Attraction?

The Good Humor logo used until 2000
The Good Humor logo used until 2000 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
One of the big questions you see marketing people debate is whether humor improves the sale of products or detracts from the sales of products. Even in our firm, we debate this issue. I believe that done properly, it does both. People are always looking for that magic bullet to get an edge over their competition and I should know.  

Being an Internet authority means speaking in front of groups of business people from time to time.  Whether the topic du jour is related to search engine marketing, blogging for business, social networking or the ins and outs of pay-per-click matters not.  What is a certainty is that as soon as the presentation is finished I will find myself buttonholed by someone who wants to know the secret of success online.  It’s as if my dissertation was meant to be an appetizer and the real meat and potatoes of online marketing could only be revealed to those bold enough to corner me after the fact.  “Okay, you got me.  If you really want to generate a million clicks, this is what you have to do...” As much as I wish there were three-magic-beans that could magically transform a stale web presence into a rock star, for the most part there is no such animal.  (As I like to point out to a number of people, I am a technician, not a magician.)

The Next Generation - Putting Your Best Robot Forward

By Carl Weiss
Courtesy of

I don’t know about you, but I grew up watching all the cool and scary science fiction movies featuring all kind of fantastic things especially and killer monster robots that were ready to take over the world. Companies around the world are furiously work hard to bring robots to life, (not the killer kind but their more benign helpful counter parts). We have been using industrial robots for the better part of 20 years now but none of these robots have been the walking talking, come along with me and do this job for me kind. Well robots are getting ready to take the next step in their evolution. I am talking about the walking, talking, climbing, and looking more like people kind. In this article, we will explore the next level of robot evolution. So read on and meet our 21st century robotic contestants.